Dear Committee Chairs,

First and foremost, thank you for volunteering your time to the KES PTO. Without your support, the PTO would not be able to offer the wonderfully enriching programs, field trips, and events to our students and families.

As a Committee Chair, you are expected to respect the confidentiality of our KES Families. At times, you will be privy to information that should not be shared outside the confines of the PTO committee you are chairing. Please be aware that there may be children on restricted lists, such as "No Media", "No Yearbook", and/or "No Directory", therefore any pictures or information pertaining to KES students must be approved by the Co-Presidents and KES Administration before being circulated.

Please note and plan for the following:

  • Vendor/Contracts: As a Committee Chair, you may be interacting with various vendors. Contracts cannot be signed before they are reviewed and approved by Co-Presidents. Also, except under certain circumstances, the contract should not be for a period beyond the current school year.

  • Cash Boxes: You should request your cash box(es) from the Treasurer at least 5 school days in advance. You need to let the Treasurer know what you are selling and the prices when you make the request so that she can set up the cash box with the appropriate change. Cash Boxes should be returned to the Treasurer immediately following the event.

  • Supplies: Please check in with the Co-Presidents at for any supplies your committee may need before ordering new ones, as we may already have them. If you purchase items that we already have, the Executive Board may decide the items cannot be reimbursed.

  • Communications: INSERT

  • Volunteer Coordination / Survey: The KLSD requires a volunteer survey to be filled out EACH new school year by anyone volunteering in any school in the district. Please visit and click on the “Apply to be Volunteer” tab on the right to complete your survey.

  • Committee Reports For General Membership Meetings: Throughout the year you will be asked to submit a report/update pertaining to your committee that will be included in the General Membership Meeting Agenda and Minutes. If you would like to recognize anyone for their help or support, please submit their names as well. These reports and Certificates of Appreciation should be emailed to the PTO Co-Vice Presidents.

Again, we would like to thank you all for your time, effort, and energy! We look forward to a great year!


  • Tax ID form: Click here

  • Building Use Form: Visit this KLSD site. All forms must be typed and then emailed to Maria Horton in the KES Main Office 4 weeks in advance of an event. Thank you!

  • PTO letterhead: Click here to download