20201 KES Yearbook!
We are working on the 2021 Yearbook and we'd LOVE YOUR HELP! Please us the following website to upload photos from school sponsored events:
Website: http://www.hjeshare.com/
School code: Katonah (case sensitive)
Grade / Yearbook Grade Representatives - Email Address
Kindergarten / Jacqueline Kepple - jacqueline.kepple@gmail.com / Erica Rogan - erica.rogan@gmail.com
1st Grade / Amber Crane - acrane12@yahoo.com / Colette Hourigan - colette.hourigan@gmail.com
2nd Grade / Becky Ast - beckyast@gmail.com
3rd Grade / Isabell Suckiel - isasuckiel@gmail.com
4th Grade / Katie Lyman - katielyman@gmail.com
5th Grade / Becky Ast - beckyast@gmail.com
Please upload your *BEST* pictures (15 max/event) within 30 days of the event. Individual Photos and Event Shots are welcome as our goal is to capture the event and include as many children in the yearbook as possible! Please NO parents or non-KES siblings, friends, etc. in pictures. We also try to keep pictures of staff/faculty to a minimum.
While we cannot guarantee that your photos will be used, we very much appreciate your submission. We are looking forward to creating a wonderful yearbook!
Any questions can be directed to the Yearbook Committee: 2021KESYearbook@gmail.com
Thank You!
The PTO Yearbook Committee
Isabell Suckiel - Yearbook Committee Chair